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Enrollment at Fair View High School

Welcome to Fair View High School.  Please select the link to fill out the registration form to enroll your student.  Our registrar will retrieve the records and our counseling staff will collect appropriate records and call you for an appointment with a counselor. When you meet, you will be able to ask questions, enroll in classes and be given a tour if need be.  

Online Enrollment

Enrollment Requirements

Please use the above link to enroll your student online.  When filling out the form, please indicate Fair View High School as your School of Choice.  We ask that you do NOT enter immunization information on your enrollment form.

After you have completed your online enrollment, the school will immediately begin contacting your previous school for a transcript and immunizations.  To expedite the process, you may bring the transcript and immunizations directly to us.  After receiving the transcript and immunizations, our counselor, Mark Hardesty, will call you for an appointment.

If you have any questions or need help with enrollment, please call our registrar, Mary Ferris, at 891-3092 x.32113

If you would like to speak to the counselor, Quinn Mendez, please call her at 891-3092 x. 32114

Students with an IEP, in addition to the above steps, please call our registrar, Mary Ferris at (530) 891-3092 x. 32113 after enrolling online, to inform her that your child has an IEP.  In addition to transcripts and immunizations, we will need to get a copy of the IEP. 

Title I School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Policy Alternative Education 2020-21

CUSD Junior High and High School and Family Compact

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